National Responsibility

National Responsibility

The story of the uprooting of Gush Katif is a symbol of national responsibility in the history of the people of Israel. The residents of Gush Katif chose to fight for their faith and love for the land while avoiding violence and civil war, while sweeping a wide public support from all parts of the country. The struggle was characterized by broad popular activity based on positive values of national responsibility.

What is national responsibility?’But

Despite the controversies arising from the various worldviews of the Israeli society our basic assumption is to believe that all seek the good for the State of Israel.

We create dialogue, discourse, listening, out of mutual respect for the sake preserving the existence of the State of Israel as the home of the Jewish people.

When it comes to national responsibility, the value of the people and the state are high on the list of priorities. National responsibility includes all citizens of the State of Israel, regardless of religion or race, who accept life in a Jewish and democratic state, its laws and statehood.

Due to the multiplicity of worldviews, opinions, currents and beliefs among Israeli society, and the disputes that arise daily around many and varied issues, the Katif Center has set a goal to raise to the public awareness the importance of open dialogue, listening to the other and develop the ability to manage disputes between us through the strengthening of mutual respect.
To strengthen the idea of the existence of the State of Israel as our united and stable home.

The Chain Reaction – Short film about the Israeli Chain – July 2004 –  Av 5764