
Gush Katif and Northern Samaria

The Gush Katif Commemoration Center is a legal national body established in order to tell the story of the community development in Gush Katif and Northern Samaria and to address the national and educational values of this enterprise for future generations. The Center is temporarily located in the caravilla site of Nitzan. The Visitor Center introduces the story of settling Gush Katif on all its aspects: establishment of the communities, coping with terror, the struggle, the uprooting and the  renewal of the communities. The Gush Katif Center holds regular commemoration activities and fosters research, education and awareness of the Gush Katif and Northern Samaria legacy. For information about the various projects, click here. The Katif Center was designed to preserve the glorious enterprise of 35 years of rural development in Gush Katif, for the sake of future generations.

Purpose of Heritage Center:
  • The story of the settlement in Gush Katif
  • Northern Samaria engage national values
  • Educational associated with this the sake
  • Future generations
Who we are

In 5768 (2008), the Knesset passed the Gush Katif and Northern Samaria Memorial Law setting up the Gush Katif and Northern Samaria Commemoration Center as a national memorial project, operating by virtue of this law as a government corporation under the patronage of the Prime Minister’s Office.

The goal of the Commemoration Center is: to tell of story of the development of Gush Katif and Northern Samaria and to address the national and educational values of this enterprise for future generations.

The Visitor Center provides an encounter with the story of Gush Katif’s establishment in all its aspects:
The development of new communities
Coping with Terror
The public protest against the disengagement plan

Rebuilding of the communities

For information about the Visitors Center click here

The Center publishes books, produces films and encourages biblical and scientific study with research grants. The Center holds regular commemoration activities and promotes research, education and awareness associated with the legacy of Gush Katif and Northern Samaria.

Lets find out more
The Kissufim Journey
The Kissufim Journey

The Kisufim journey is an empowering journey in the footsteps of the settlement in Gush Katif…read more

The New Communities
The New Communities
Gush Katif Archive
Gush Katif Archive

The archive is the foundation of the whole story of past We have to keep: documents, newspaper clippings, Gush Katif. The archive was built to allow Pictures, publications and. To Archive collections Click here

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