Public Tenders

Public Tenders

Notification of how to subscribe to the subscription list

For announcements regarding public tenders and joint ventures of the Center
According to the Tender Obligations Regulations, 5799-1991
In accordance with Rule 51 (f) of the Tender Obligation Regulations, 1993, Rini announces that anyone can register for a list
Subscribers to the Center, to whom announcements will be made regarding the publication of public tenders by the Center; For registration, a message must be sent
Written to the Center’s offices via the Center’s website and / or by postal address
The center at Nitzan PO Box 19 Zip code 78297.
Jadar in the year (4102–30–50)
Mordechai (Mukhi) Beter
Director of the Center for Commemoration of Gush Katif Heritage and Northern Samaria

Tender name
Deadline for bidding
Tender name Public Tender Number – Website Creation
Deadline for bidding 12/06/2020
Tender name Public Tender Number – Website Creation 2
Deadline for bidding 21/10/2020
Tender name Public Tender Number – Website Creation 3
Deadline for bidding 04/02/2021
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