Personal Testimonies

About the project

 Thirty five years of pioneering the Land of Israel, 22 communities, 9,500 people, 4,000 acres of greenhouses, 822 videotaped interviews, 3,627 recorded hours.
The Gush Katif Heritage Center has initiated one of the most unique projects in the field of documentation. The project is an exciting database of thousands of hours of photography documenting the experience of hundreds of people that relate the Gush Katif stroy. This venture allows to see the people behind the numbers, and everyone can meet with the inner world of the people from Gush Katif, the dreams and values, the pain and crises, the love and the hopes.
Over 900 people were interviewed and told in detail about their involvement, actions, feelings, and emotions. In addition to the residents of Gush Katif and the residents of Northern Samaria, the many people that commuted every day and worked in Gush Katif also participated in the project.
The interviews provide a wealth of information on many topics, the establishment of communities, the development of unique agriculture, Torah and cultural activities, community life, coping with terrorism, the public struggle against the disengagement plan the uprooting, and more.
Out of the hundreds of videos we selected some 60 interviews and produced short 3- minutes video clips creating a diverse and exciting human mosaic of the people of Gush Katif and Northern Samaria. Each surfer can choose the character that interests him and experience one moment out of the life of Gush Katif.
In the meantime, that project has not been translated and the short movies are available only in Hebrew.

To the project

About the project

 Thirty five years of pioneering the Land of Israel, 22 communities, 9,500 people, 4,000 acres of greenhouses, 822 videotaped interviews, 3,627 recorded hours.
The Gush Katif Heritage Center has initiated one of the most unique projects in the field of documentation. The project is an exciting database of thousands of hours of photography documenting the experience of hundreds of people that relate the Gush Katif stroy. This venture allows to see the people behind the numbers, and everyone can meet with the inner world of the people from Gush Katif, the dreams and values, the pain and crises, the love and the hopes.
Over 900 people were interviewed and told in detail about their involvement, actions, feelings, and emotions. In addition to the residents of Gush Katif and the residents of Northern Samaria, the many people that commuted every day and worked in Gush Katif also participated in the project.
The interviews provide a wealth of information on many topics, the establishment of communities, the development of unique agriculture, Torah and cultural activities, community life, coping with terrorism, the public struggle against the disengagement plan the uprooting, and more.
Out of the hundreds of videos we selected some 60 interviews and produced short 3- minutes video clips creating a diverse and exciting human mosaic of the people of Gush Katif and Northern Samaria. Each surfer can choose the character that interests him and experience one moment out of the life of Gush Katif.
In the meantime, that project has not been translated and the short movies are available only in Hebrew.

To the project

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