45 2 1 3 40 41 Chapter Five | The Se�lements About three years a�er the nucleus arrived to Ka�f, the se�lement s�ll included about ten families and a few single individuals. In 5750 (1989-90), the Minister of Housing at the �me, Ariel Sharon, decided on extensive construc�on in Moshav Ka�f. The extensive construc�on made it possible to accommodate many more families.7 When Ka�f celebrated a decade to its incep�on, during the Sukkot celebra�ons of 5756 (October 1995), the moshav already comprised 30 families. In the following ten years, the se�lement grew un�l it reached about 70 families.8 Most of the se�lement's residents made a living from various branches of industry and agriculture: Pelemix factory - coconut coir substrate for plan�ng [mainly for nurseries]; Ka�f dairy farm, one of the largest and most sophis�cated ones in Israel); insect-free vegetable cul�va�ons; and Bad Kat - non-woven fabric products. Several ultra-Orthodox families also lived in the se�lement, whose men studied at the 'Torat Ha'im' kollel and 'Neve Dekalim' Yeshiva. A member of the moshav, Avigdor Dahari (May God Avenge His Death) was the first casualty of the First In�fada, when he was deliberately run over by a Pales�nian at the Gush Ka�f intersec�on, on the 2nd of Kislev 5750 (11/30/1989). Another tragic event that befell the moshav and all of Gush Ka�f residents, was the shocking murder of Tali Hatuel and her four daughters (May God Avenge Their Death), ac�vists on their way to demonstrate against the Prime Minister's plan on the day of the referendum among Likud officials, the 11th of Iyar 5764 (05/02/2004). Thanks to the community's resilience, stability and faith, its residents survived these dreadful events and embarked on a path of ac�on and fulfillment. The people of Neturei Karta would eliminate Zionist signs E� Moshe: In the first period of the moshav, during the days of the founding, Anglo-Saxon nucleus, there were many empty houses there. We decided to promote a tourism branch during the summer days: families from all over the country would come to stay in the quiet and pastoral Gush Ka�f and near the sea. Silvia Dahari and I were in charge of this sector. Towards and during the summer, we prepared the houses for vaca�oners: we took care of the apartments, prepared beds and linens and everything else the guests would need to feel comfortable. We also organized transporta�on to the seashore for the vaca�oners. The moshav was visited by Jews from all sectors - ultra-Orthodox, Hasidic and religious-na�onalists. The Hassidim and ultra-Orthodox brought oil lanterns for Shabbat to avoid using electricity. The people of Neturei Karta would some�mes eliminate any Zionist symbols, and we a�empted to accommodate everyone agreeably. The high school yeshiva 'Tzvia Ka�f' and Talmud Torah 'Uziel' were both in the se�lement. The 'Tzvia Ka�f' Yeshiva operated for seven years un�l the se�lement was evacuated. It was one of the only yeshivas of the 'Tzvia' chain, which usually operates girls' schools. Rabbi Shlomo Cohen Doras headed the Yeshiva from its establishment un�l a year before it disbanded, and in its last year, it was headed by Rabbi Ari Katz. About 90 students studied in the Yeshiva, most of them residents of the area. In addi�on to high school and Torah studies, the Yeshiva offered marine and environmental studies. It also held a two-star diving course. In Av of 5765 (August 2005), the moshav numbered over 70 families, including 220 children and youth.9 They were all evacuated from their homes on Sunday, the 16th of Av 5765 (08/21/2005).10 1. A pain�ng on the wall of a house in Ka�f 2. The memorial corner in Ka�f for Tali Hatuel and her daughters who were murdered on the Kissufim axis 3. The amusement park in Ka�f 4. Aerial photograph of Netzer Hazani 5. The Youth Club in Netzer Hazani - 'Yohanan Club' - named a�er Yohanan Hilberg (May God Avenge His Death), a resident of the place who was killed in the IDF Flo�lla opera�on. Netzer Hazani A Religious Moshav Ovdim (worker's village) near Khan Yunis, that belonged to the Hapoel-HaMizrachi Moshavim Union Netzer Hazani was the first civilian se�lement in Gush Ka�f. Established on the 27th of Iyar 5733 (05.29.1973), the se�lement started as one of the Nahal Ka�f strongholds called 'Gadish.'12. A month a�er its incep�on, while Minister of Welfare, Michael Hazani toured the Gaza Strip, he also arrived at Gadish, which had already changed its name to 'Gdishim.' 3 Minister Hazani, who was one of the leaders of religious Zionism and nicknamed the 'Father of Religious Se�lement,' found it difficult to hide his pleasure at the sight of the golden sands, the blue sea and the clear sky above the beau�ful dunes, the green colors of palm trees, bushes, Tamarisks and other types of vegeta�on, which sprouted in the sands for as far as the eye could see. Hazani, who was also a member of the Ministerial Commi�ee on Se�lement Affairs, assured the Nahal se�lers from the "Ezra" movement and nuclei of the Religious Se�lement Union who gathered around him: "According to plan, three se�lements will be established in this place shortly, in addi�on to a rural center, and all of them will, of course, be religious se�lements. The key issue here, is water. We hope that the search for water in this place will prove successful."4 In reality, more than three se�lements were built in the area, but Hazani did not live to witness them. The stronghold where he gave his promise, would later bear his name a�er its civilianiza�on: Netzer Hazani. In Iyar of 5734 (May 1974), the Minister of Agriculture, Haim Gva�, visited the place. Extremely impressed by the agricultural crops in the more northern Netzarim, Gva� pressured his colleague, Minister Galili, to promote Ka�f from a pre-stronghold, to a fixed stronghold, which will develop into a permanent se�lement. A few days later, Gva� and Galili resigned from the government upon the departure of the Golda Meir's administra�on from the poli�cal scene, but following this decision, the Ministry of Housing - now held by Minister Avraham Ofer under