7 8 5 6 3 4 2 1 220 221 Chapter Sixteen| Regrowth permanent residence and since they have not yet moved to their new permanent se�lements, they are forced to con�nue residing in temporary structures. According to data from the Ministry of Construc�on and Housing, out of 1212 families who joined the rese�lement agreements or arrangements, only 617 families moved into their permanent homes. 290 families are in the process of building or planning. 176 families (who own plots allocated to them as part of an agreement or rese�lement arrangement) have not yet begun construc�on processes, and most of them struggle to do so for various reasons: financial difficul�es, logis�cal difficul�es, psychological difficul�es, personal and social difficul�es and problems in the community's leadership. 74 families are s�ll wai�ng to receive a plot (within the se�lements of Neve Yam, Amatzia, and Nir Akiva), and 55 families have sold the plot assigned to them as part of a reloca�on agreement. Of the families who have not yet moved to permanent homes, 400 s�ll reside in temporary state housing sites. In addi�on to the above, about 100 families of private renters purchased lots in locali�es where community reloca�on was implemented as part of the arrangements established for them under Amendment No. 3 to the Implementa�on of the Disengagement Plan Law, 2005 (hereina�er: "the Law") and they are building their permanent homes on these lots.17 Torah and Educa�onal Ins�tu�ons One of the first areas to develop a�er the evacua�on was the establishment of the Torah and educa�onal ins�tu�ons that used to operate in Gush Ka�f. Later, new ins�tu�ons were even established according to the needs that arose in the field. The Ministry of Educa�on seriously harnessed its resources to rehabilitate Gush Ka�f students. Employees of the various offices assumed responsibility and promoted ins�tu�ons and students.18 The 'Naot Ka�f' school - the first elementary school in Gush Ka�f - moved to Ein Tzurim with its principal, Ephraim Tashandi, and a familiar team of teachers. The 'Atzmona Talmud Torah' and the girls' school from Atzmona were re-established in the first phase in the 'City of Faith' near Ne�vot and then moved to Shomria, where most of the residents of former Atzmona have moved to. Rabbi Itzik Amitai and his wife, Adina Amitai, who served as principals of these two ins�tu�ons in Gush Ka�f, also con�nued presiding in these posi�ons in Shomria. The Neve Dekalim girls' high school (Ulpana) moved to a temporary building in Givat Washington, under the management of Rabbi Yair Gantz, its long�me principal, and reached its permanent home in Nitzan in 5775 (2014). The pre-military preparatory school in Atzmona first moved to the 'Sha'arei Avraham' military base, then to Moshav Yated, and today is located in its permanent residence in the se�lement of Naveh. The 'Torat HaChaim Yeshiva' moved all of its ins�tu�ons to Yad Binyamin and con�nued expanding. Today it also includes a Jewish film school, a Jewish training school, a communica�on school, an elementary school for girls, a girls' high school (Ulpana) and a small yeshiva for boys of high school ages. The 'Neve Dekalim Hesder Yeshiva' arrived immediately a�er the evacua�on to the village of Kfar Maimon in the Northern Negev, a�er which it moved to its permanent loca�on in Ashdod. The high school yeshiva 'Zvia Ka�f' has been reopened with a new team, in the se�lement of Yad Binyamin. Only the name remained as a reminder. The elementary school in Kfar Darom moved to Ashkelon, and when the families moved to the Shavei Darom se�lement near Nir Akiva, the school moved with them. The elementary school in Netzarim was moved to Yevul, and was re-established a second �me in Bnei Netzarim. 'Midreshet HaDarom' (college) moved to Moshav Shekrg in the Lakhish region, and would later build its permanent residence in the se�lement of Neta. The 'Torah and Land (research) Ins�tute' and the 'Torah and Land College' are opera�ng in Shavei Darom, s�ll 1 Introducing a Torah scroll into the new se�lement of Mirsham in the Lakhish region 2 The synagogue at Netzer Hazani 3 The Pre-Military Preparatory School in Naveh 4 The new girls' high school (Ulpana) in Nitzan 5 The synagogue in Ganei Tal 6 The yeshiva for young boys in Shomria 7 Nitzanei Ka�f school in Nitzan 8 The 'Talmud Torah' Synagogue in Atzmona