1 2 3 210 Chapter Fi�een | Kissufim The website holds informa�on about the Center, various materials about the se�lement, films, and more. Website URL - www.mka� The Center also has a Facebook page. Addi�onal projects to commemorate Gush Ka�f Gush Ka�f Museum in Jerusalem The museum was established by Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpo, a Chabad Chasid and head of SOS Israel - who made a vow even before the disengagement to commemorate the place if it was uprooted. He rented an apartment in Jerusalem for the establishment of the museum. He tells the story of the Jewish se�lement in the Gaza Strip, star�ng with its occupa�on by the tribe of Judah and un�l the establishment of Gush Ka�f and its evacua�on by the IDF, using films, presenta�ons, conversa�ons, photos and various artworks, and shows the different ways of dealing with the displacement, through faith, the land, the house and family. The museum's purpose is to create a consciousness of commemora�on and perpetua�on of the se�lement enterprise in Gush Ka�f, through which the visitors can empathize and feel the pain of the evacuees, remember and never forget. The museum's manager, Shlomo Wasserteil from Ganei Tal, promotes a different agenda - preven�ng the recurrence of such a situa�on and stopping another evacua�on in the Land of Israel.29 Avnei Eitan Visitors Center is the Gush Ka�f Heritage Center in the Golan Heights, intended to document the evacuees who arrived there and wish to tell the story of their life in Gush Ka�f and their rehabilita�on at Avnei Eitan. A�er the evacua�on, the 22 families who came there planned and created the exhibit as part of their therapy. Through it, they connected to themselves and the new community and translated their deep pain into something tangible that perpetuates and conveys an important message in an experien�al way. The Center includes a large mosaic depic�ng Gush Ka�f's landscapes, as well as films, books, photos and more.30 Kissufim Forest The Jewish Na�onal Fund (Keren Kayemet Le-Israel) approved the establishment of the Kissufim Forest project. The inten�on is to turn the forest near the Kissufim checkpoint into a memorial site. A 16-meter observa�on tower will be built there, from which the former se�lers can look at Gush Ka�f. There will also be a gathering square for ceremonies and the se�lements' path, incorpora�ng a plot dedicated to each se�lement with an inscrip�on commemora�ng its history.31 Other en��es and individuals who were not former residents of Gush Ka�f also felt a strong need to commemorate the place that was lost and is no longer there. For example: Ar�st Aharon Shebo painted and sculpted scenes that reflect the ri� in faith and in the na�on. The commemora�ve project in Moreshet In 2013, the synagogue complex of Moreshet inaugurated a commemora�ve project for the 27 synagogues destroyed in Gush Ka�f and northern Samaria. The main exhibit depicts a Menorah leaning on its side, a�ached to an incomplete Star of David, as a symbol of the ri� that the people of Israel experienced following the uproo�ng. Ar�st Aharon Shebo designed the site.787 Naming streets a�er Gush Ka�f se�lements In several locali�es in Israel, like Hoshaya in the north, in Ashkelon and Elazar in Gush Etzion - some streets were named a�er Gush Ka�f se�lements. Local residents ini�ated this venture out of a desire to commemorate Gush Ka�f as a sign of apprecia�on for everything that was done there, for the value-based struggle, and to fill a bit of the void created by the evacua�on. All evacuees, even those who le� early to avoid confronta�on with the IDF soldiers, share the craving to return home to the blue sea, the green palms, and the sand dunes. In many cases, these hopes give them the energy to overcome difficul�es and pains, conjure memories of the past, and for�fy the future. 1 A book stand of the Ka�f Center Publishing House, during the Hebrew Book Week 2 A mosaic created by former residents of the Gush who moved to Avnei Eitan, displayed at the Center for Commemora�ng the Heritage of Gush Ka�f and Northern Samaria 3 Hoshaya: Direc�onal signage to streets named a�er Gush Ka�f se�lements