7 8 5 6 3 4 2 1 208 209 Chapter Fi�een | Kissufim The Annual Commemora�on Day of the Uproo�ng: Na�onwide events, including media exposure and radio broadcasts. The ceremonies incorporate films, conversa�ons with displaced residents, exhibi�ons and discussions on current issues. In 2014, more than 300 commemora�ve events were held across Israel. A gathering of commemora�on, longing and hope: This major event is held near the Kissufim checkpoint every year during the month of Av, when the disengagement plan was executed, for all former Gush Ka�f residents. It is both a compelling social encounter between the residents who have dispersed to different places in Israel and meet each other once a year, as well as a remembrance and passing on the Gush Ka�f legacy to future genera�ons. Members of the Knesset, rabbis and other VIPs are invited to this event. Plan�ng on Tu B'Shevat: This gathering of former Gush Ka�f residents and guests occurs each year in a different loca�on and is all about growth, renewal, and plan�ng. The Kissufim Hike: A night march of thousands of 10th-graders from the Bnei Akiva Yeshiva Center and religious girls' high schools of the Tzvia chain to get to know Gush Ka�f and its heritage. It also includes lectures, films, a gradua�on ceremony and communal dancing. Preliminary ac�vi�es conducted before that night march include sending background material and videos to strengthen the teachers' bond with the cause. The ini�ator of the Kissufim Hike is Rabbi Benny Neichtler from the Bnei Akiva Yeshiva Center. Ka�f Scouts is a summer�me seminar for Gush Ka�f children gradua�ng from the 7th and 8th grades. It exposes them to Gush Ka�f's values, forms the next genera�on, and trains a new advocacy force. Celebra�on in Ka�f: is a cultural-social-communal event around music and a gathering of residents and guests, which began in Gush Ka�f and con�nues today in Nitzan, in collabora�on with the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council. Gush Ka�f Stamp: A�er the extensive and prolonged work of the Se�lers' Commi�ee, Mordechai (Mochi) Beter and the Ka�f Center, the Commi�ee on Symbols and Ceremonies approved the issuance of a stamp to mark 35 years of se�lement. Ar�st Aharon Shebo designed the stamp, which depicts the se�lement, struggle, and ri�. Commemora�ng the Yamit Evacua�on Day in the Knesset: Ministers, MKs, guests, and former residents of Yamit par�cipated in a ceremony to mark the 30th anniversary of the evacua�on. Commemora�ng Northern Samaria: The Ka�f Center has also been appointed by law to commemorate the heritage of the four se�lements in Northern Samaria: Chomesh, Sa Nur, Kadim and Ganim. The Center ini�ated, planned and carried out a testament project, including visual documenta�on, the collec�on of archival materials, and film produc�on. The Center holds tours and events in northern Samaria. These days, an observa�on pergola was erected in Shavei Shomron, and an audiovisual spectacle is being projected inside a unique cave, telling the story of the se�lement in northern Samaria. 1 Gush Ka�f children performing at a rally held in Kissufim to commemorate the 7th anniversary of the evacua�on 2 'Gush Ka�f Day' ac�vity in one of the schools in Israel 3 Gush Ka�f children visi�ng the Western Wall as part of an ac�vity of the Ka�f Center 4 The stamp issued in honor and memory of Gush Ka�f 5 A 'Ka�f Scouts' group in summer ac�vity 6 Gush Ka�f youth in an ac�vity of the Ka�f Center 7 Hanan Yovel and Avraham Fried in a joint performance at a celebra�on in Ka�f, Nitzan, 5773-2013 8 Gush Ka�f children plan�ng in Kissufim forest