1 2 3 6 5 4 206 207 The Ka�f Center to Commemorate the Heritage of Gush Ka�f and Northern Samaria The Center was established in a temporary structure in the se�lement of Nitzan at the ini�a�ve of the Residents Council in 5768-2008. It was designed by Achiah and Es� Grizim (Grizim Studio). The center tells the story of Gush Ka�f from various aspects: A. Gush Ka�f and northern Samaria se�lement enterprise, 35 glorious years of se�lement and agricultural achievements, the blossoming of the wilderness, community-building, dealing with terrorism, and more. B. The struggle period and the evacua�on from various aspects. C. Enduring the destruc�on and restora�on of 21 new communi�es and se�lements.26 All this with an understanding that heritage drama�cally contributes to our con�nued life here in the Land of Israel. Ac�vi�es of the Ka�f Center are expansive and diverse, reaching mul�ple audiences: The Visitors Center offers guests a unique experience, on a route that combines instruc�on, films, photos and different a�rac�ons, through which they feel like they are visi�ng Gush Ka�f, with its natural and human landscapes, going through the hardships that were there, seeing the se�lement enterprise, the life that existed there, the security strain alongside the threat of disengagement, the successes and achievements alongside the struggle, displacement and destruc�on. At the end of the visit, visitors comprehend what ensued there, even if they had never been to Gush Ka�f, and witness how the displaced managed to resume their growth. The Archive contains a research library with over 180 ar�cles and 80 academic works wri�en by Israeli and foreign researchers about Gush Ka�f between 2000 and 2014. It also includes a collec�on of press clippings, ar�cles wri�en about Gush Ka�f between 1998 and 2009, and many documents collected and scanned from various archives. Visitors to the archive can also watch various films and read many texts, including the 850 recorded and transcribed interviews with Gush Ka�f residents, content wri�en before and a�er the disengagement, a pedagogical database with lesson plans, and a directory with informa�on about each locality.27 Visual Documenta�on was a testament project of about 850 Gush Ka�f residents and people connected to the se�lement enterprise, produced by the director Mordi Kirchner. It is a unique documentary in Israel and worldwide - an exci�ng repository of thousands of hours of photography documen�ng the human experience of the Gush Ka�f story. It provides insight into the people behind the numbers, a glimpse into their inner world, and an understanding of their dreams, values, pains and crises, loves, and hopes. This database has amassed informa�on on various subjects, such as establishing se�lements, impressive agriculture, communi�es, counter-terrorism ac�vi�es, the struggle and displacement. Through it, one revisits the excep�onal human fabric that made up the communi�es of Gush Ka�f and revives the personal and collec�ve stories that were almost buried under the ruins of their houses. This documenta�on offered many of the interviewees closure and peace of mind because their stories were published. Some of them said they preserve it for future genera�ons. Others said that talking about their experiences was therapeu�c. The fragments of tes�monies were incorporated into a big picture and authen�c story.28 Thus, the story of the se�lement in Gush Ka�f was revived and made accessible to visitors and researchers. Tours by different groups: tourists, re�rees, students, reporters, pupils, and VIP's - at the Visitors Center, the new se�lements, mee�ngs with farmers and more. Special family excursions are held during the holidays, which are also associated with the nature of each par�cular holiday. Publishing: The center publishes books, like "The Torah of Ka�f" - about the special Torah that existed in Gush Ka�f; "The Orange Struggle" - about the struggle against the disengagement plan; "The Ka�f Album" - the story of the se�lement in Gush Ka�f; and it also produces films and CDs, like "Glancing Beyond the Thorns," "Bubbles Meet," "Orange Ripples," "Sand in the Socks," and even the first feature film - "The Last Wave." The center also wrote the chapter on Gush Ka�f agriculture in the "Agriculture Book," published by Ma'ariv. Commemora�ve and Heritage Events for adults and youth are held throughout the year, some as part of the formal educa�on system, including: Gush Ka�f Day is held every year on the 22nd of Shevat, the date when the first se�lement, Netzer Hazani, broke ground in Gush Ka�f. The purpose of this day is to publicize and tell the story of Gush Ka�f to the students about everything that was in it: the world of Torah and kindness, the extraordinary communi�es, the flourishing se�lements, the agriculture, and the sea. Year a�er year, the number of schools that honor this day in different and crea�ve ways increases, and they use an ac�vity kit prepared by the Ka�f Center and distributed to hundreds of schools. Many former Gush Ka�f residents arrive at schools and par�cipate in the various ceremonies, while telling their personal story about the place and its contribu�on to the State of Israel. In 2014, Gush Ka�f Day was commemorated at 700 educa�onal ins�tu�ons across the country, and there was great interest from teachers and students. 1 A puzzle of the synagogues that existed in Gush Ka�f 2 Ka�f Center's symbol displayed at its entrance in Nitzan (Designed by: Aharon Shebo) 3 The story of Gush Ka�f on a mosaic wall in the Ka�f Center in Nitzan (Created by: Ayala Azran of Neve Dekalim) 4 Soldiers at a lecture at the Ka�f Center 5 Chairs in the shape of palm trees in one of the rooms of the Visitors Center in Nitzan 6 A no�ce board with messages from Gush Ka�f days in one of the corners of the Visitors Center in Nitzan Chapter Fi�een | Kissufim