Chapter Thirteen |The Destruc�on of Gush Ka�f 1 2 3 188 Carrying out the Demoli�ons in the Gaza Strip The destruc�on of the se�lements in the Gaza Strip con�nued with the evacua�on of the cemetery in the 23rd of Av 5765 (08/28/2005), about a week a�er the evacua�on of the se�lements. Once this was done, a mass funeral was held in the center of Jerusalem that ended at the Mount of Olives. The final chord of the disengagement was the government's decision to destroy the community centers and their souls - i.e., the synagogues - and turn them to dust with the help of IDF soldiers and their bulldozers. In a race against the clock to stop the bulldozers and with the interven�on of the President of the State, the Prime Minister, government ministers and advisors, MKs, rabbis, intellectuals and ci�zens and at the ini�a�ve and ac�vity of Adv. Gilad Korinaldi, a fascina�ng drama unfolded, a few days prior to the evacua�on un�l its termina�on. A public controversy arose around the fate of the synagogues, and included values such as sanc�ty, poli�cs, Halacha, law and democracy. The big ques�on was whether the sovereign and Jewish government of Israel would destroy synagogues by its own hands, something that would be unthinkable in other countries of the world? And on the other hand, can the State leave them as they are, given the high probability that they will be destroyed and looted a�er the army leaves the se�lements? What would be the damage to the Disengagement Plan in Israeli public opinion a�er seeing images of Arab rioters destroying synagogues on na�onal media? What is the meaning of a synagogue where there is no prayer? Is it allowed to destroy a holy place? This powerful conflict added to the legi�macy of the Disengagement Plan, the destruc�on of communi�es, se�lements and an en�re system of life that existed there. A�er many mee�ngs and discussions in the Knesset and its commi�ees, in the court and in the Chief Rabbinate, the Israeli government decided not to destroy the synagogues of Gush Ka�f. They were handed over to the Pales�nians in their en�rety. With the army's departure, the synagogues were indeed the first to fall into the hands of the mob that entered Gush Ka�f. Within minutes, the synagogues of Netzarim and Neve Dekalim were engulfed in flames. "The image of the burning synagogues is a suitable se�ng for the surrender of the IDF and the shameful retreat under fire, which in euphemism is known as - 'Depar�ng with Pride.' The serious consequences will be manifested in the future. Israel will actually discover that it has not le� the Gaza Strip, but that the Strip has been wrapped around its neck," said Gush Ka�f spokesman, Eran Sternberg, at the �me.69 This is how 38 years of Jewish control in the Gaza Strip came to an end on the 8th of Elul, 5765 (09/12/2005). Within 5 days, the IDF soldiers evacuated their brothers, Gush Ka�f residents. The houses were also destroyed within a few days, and the en�re massive 30-year-old enterprise was wiped out. The residents were evacuated in a way that characterized their struggle - with a strong belief that everything might change, with dignity, non-violent protest, determined struggle with dedica�on and standing by their principles out of a sense of responsibility for the integrity of the people of Israel and the future of the State of Israel. 1 A destroyed house in Ganei Tal 2 A remorsefull soldier 3 Gush Ka�f spokesman Eran Sternberg cries over the ruins of his home