1 2 150 Chapter Ten | Community Life Both the army and the poli�cians created scenarios of an early departure and did not believe that men, women and children would stay un�l the last minute, begging for a few more breaths instead. The fact that almost everyone stayed un�l the last minute is an expression of the victory of the spirit that blew in the en�re community, in an intensity uncalled for in the en�re State of Israel.37 At the peak of the tension, only a small part of the families began packing, only a few managed to put up with decree. The majority leaned a�er the leading line of holding un�l the last moment, believing that if they remain faithful, and their spirits are not broken - the decree will be repealed. Although there were differences of opinion between residents and between se�lements on how to conduct the struggle, on the �me and the method of leaving their homes, these were done out of mutual respect even in the most difficult moments, in the moments of trial. This prevented the forma�on of 'camps' and painful fac�onalism and preserved friendships and camaraderie even a�er the evacua�on. 38 Summary Many interviews were conducted with Gush Ka�f's former residents a�er the disengagement, in the vast majority of which words like "family" and "paradise" were voiced repeatedly - this was the general feeling that prevailed there. It was not for luxurious mansions or vehicles but rather because of the beau�ful simplicity, which merged with the surrounding nature and the gardens that were cared for to the very last day. Chaya Damari from Gan Or described it accurately: The fact that we were all surrounded by extraordinary nature, and even more so by good neighbors, smiles, understanding and joy, made everyone fall in love with the place to the point of addiction... Perhaps that was the reason for the tremendous pain after the uprooting from Gush Katif, for the heavy price this strong community paid for the dream that was no more... They never left you alone, for better or for worse. They helped with love and gave with joy. The combination of this with the love of the land, the devotion to the army, and the sheer faith within each person was almost too much. You could get the key to the grocery store on Shabbat, take what you needed and pay the next day. Where does such a thing exist?39 The same was true for the northern part of the region. Everyone felt that same unique atmosphere in the three se�lements geographically distant from the center of Gush Ka�f: Elei Sinai, Nisanit, and Dugit (the secular se�lements). They came to se�le there because of the views, tranquility, idyllic scenery, and proximity to the sea and stayed because of the people. "We felt as if we were in paradise... ," said Tova Goren from Dugit.40 A�er the evacua�on, many communi�es insisted on preserving their social structure, as it was in Gush Ka�f. This, although most of them split into two or more loca�ons, with people who le� the communi�es, and others who joined different communi�es from those they belonged to in Gush Ka�f. Community was the greatest loss for those who le� it, as well as the greatest gi� and best medicine for those who stayed with it. 1 My home is in Elei Sinai. Elei Sinai is not in Gaza - an inscrip�on on a toddler's shirt 2 Amusement facili�es in Neve Dekalim