1 2 142 Chapter Nine | The world of the Torah Chabad House organized Torah lessons for children every Shabbat, and Hasidic gatherings on the 19th of Kislev, the 10th of Shevat and more. Ac�vi�es were also organized for the youth. Furthermore, the Chabad House has been engaging in charity and benevolent ac�ons. Financial aid for the underprivileged, brides and grooms, tefillin aid, food distribu�on, hospitality, clothing and footwear, medical equipment, tefillin and mezuzot tes�ng services, kosherizing kitchens, marital harmony issues, and physical and spiritual assistance to anyone who opts for it.41 Oz - 'Talmud Torah and Talmudic Club The Gaza Coast Religious Council operated Torah learning centers for boys and girls in the a�ernoons in all Gush Ka�f se�lements. For boys, Talmud Torah worked from kindergarten to the sixth grade. The ac�vity took place several days a week and included Rosh Chodesh (first day of the month) par�es, prepara�on for the holidays, trips and more. Talmudic clubs for girls operated twice a week, combining theore�cal lessons with arts and cra�s. Every month, a monthly theme was chosen. The girls enjoyed experien�al ac�vi�es such as par�es, trips, games and cra�s, on top of the theore�cal part about the holidays and various other topics.42 Summary The rich world of the Torah that flourished in Gush Ka�f and the connec�on to the world of prac�ce undoubtedly generated a high-quality connec�on between the Torah and work, which has constantly evolved in all fields. The rou�ne, shrouded by the sacred, generated something out of nothing that only benefi�ed all areas of life. Everything was elevated in Gush Ka�f," said Rabbi Bnaya Lifshitz. "Zvi Hendel once told me that the secret of success was the special dosage of the Torah within life itself, in every field there is one third of the spiritual upper world, and two thirds of the world below, the prac�cal one. That's how it was in the Gush Ka�f's economy, in the Torah, and society; that is why everything flourished." 43 According to Rabbi Ya'akov Ariel, "In Gush Ka�f, there was a winning combina�on of Torah, work and charity, as well as solidarity and the absorbance of diverse popula�ons, so uncommon in Israel. It was an Israel as a Torah State, as our country should really look like."44 Rabbi Elisha Vishlitzky said: "The rabbinate in Gush Ka�f was devoid of corrup�on, with a deep connec�on and great responsibility to the community and the prac�cal world. Gush Ka�f saved the en�re genera�on - with bravery, humility, dedica�on, pain and tears."45 Mo� Shomron from Neve Dekalim said: "Seeing the complex of synagogues, which are all full to the brim, seeing the prayers, the daily page, it had filled me up. Half a year before the deporta�on, we finished the third cycle of the daily page in Neve Dekalim. We were privileged to complete three cycles of the daily page of all the Shas (six sets of Gemara) in Neve Dekalim. I was privileged to be one of this group and study the last daily page on the land of Gush Ka�f."46 1 Celebra�ng the introduc�on of a Torah scroll into the 'Neot Ka�f' school 2 Kindergarten children at the Shavuot ceremony at the Ashkenazi Synagogue in Neve Dekalim