3 4 1 2 138 139 Chapter Nine | The world of the Torah The students in the various yeshivas mostly came from outside the region. Many of them kept on living there a�er they got married. Thus, they also contributed to the increase in the popula�on who wishes for a value based educa�on and an ideal-based culture.25 The first yeshiva - Neve Dekalim Hesder Yeshiva With the evacua�on of Yamit on the 29th of Nisan 5742 (04/25/1982), the 'Yamit Yeshiva' was also evacuated. As men�oned above, at the ini�a�ve of Rosenbla� and Rabbi Ariel, the yeshiva moved to its temporary loca�on in Moshav Gadid. When the students returned from their vaca�on, a few days later, they were surprised to see that everything had already been organized for them in the new loca�on.26 Later, the yeshiva moved to its new loca�on in Neve Dekalim, and greatly influenced the character and growth of the new se�lement. It brought the spirit of the Torah to the en�re area and integrated well with the popula�on. Later, nuclei from it were sent to locali�es, for example, 20 families of Torah students arrived in Ka�f, some of them integrated into agriculture, some into teaching, giving a special style to the locality.27 Upon the incep�on and establishment of the central se�lement, Neve Dekalim, the yeshiva moved to a new, magnificent building that became the symbol of the se�lement thanks to the unique structure with its 'Star of David' seen from a distance. A few years later, when the Ma'alot Yeshiva was called to run the place and send rabbis and students, the yeshiva's name was also changed to 'Dekalim Hesder Yeshiva.' Despite the name change, the yeshiva ensured to commemorate the evacua�on of Yamit each year. They kept the spirit of the 'Yamit Yeshiva' alive. S�ll, they gave it a new face, emphasizing the connec�on between body and soul, life and the Torah, while deepening the student's inner content with a belief that they are capable. Then they will radiate outward everything they have received - values, a way of life, knowledge and faith, thus expanding the circle of believers.28 The yeshiva grew alongside the se�lement, and special bonds were created through joint prayers, holiday par�es, the camaraderie of students and residents, Torah lessons and various ac�vi�es. The rabbis, being residents of Neve Dekalim also contributed to the close �es between the yeshiva and its hos�ng se�lement. The students also helped the agricultural periphery during emergencies by working in the greenhouses.29 This was the most appropriate integra�on into the local community. Yeshiva students came from all over Israel. Some of the se�lement rabbis taught and learned in the yeshiva, and their role as halachic arbiters in various domains posi�vely affected their work in the yeshiva.30 About a hundred alumni got married and stayed to live in Gush Ka�f. It was a true internaliza�on of the educa�on for Torah and se�lement, Torah and work. Rabbi Zvi Schwartz, who moved with the Yamit Yeshiva to Neve Dekalim, said: The lesson learned from the evacua�on of Yamit was that trees and sidewalks do not suffice. One must have a spiritual root. The Yeshiva wanted to turn Gush Ka�f into a state of the Torah, where everyone works, studies the Torah, and prays, a genuine interac�on between the sacred and the secular. We realized that only values and faith would restore strength to the people of Israel, so we built a robust life there based on values. We talked, and the farmers accomplished.31 A�er the disengagement, the yeshiva moved to Kfar Maimon in the Negev, and from there to its permanent loca�on - Ashdod. Torat Ha'im Yeshiva The beginning of 'Torat Ha'im' Yeshiva was in the Magal Kollel in Neve Dekalim, ini�ated by Rabbi Kaminetzky, who asked Rabbi Shmuel Tal to come and lead the Kollel. Later, a yeshiva was also established for boys who came from all over the country. The yeshiva's first loca�on was in Yamit, a�er which it moved to the temporary structure in the Ulpana (girls' school) of Neve Dekalim, that moved to a new building. Some of the yeshiva students lived in Netzer Hazani, Gan Or, Kfar Darom, Shirat HaYam, Gadid, Morag and more, contribu�ng considerably to the Torah studies.32 The yeshiva was ini�ally established as a Hesder Yeshiva, and later became a high yeshiva, with studies that combined the teachings of Chabad, Rabbi Kook and Breslav, with openness to absorb from every stream, with extreme dedica�on, innocence and simplicity. Quite a few farmers frequented the Beit Midrash for independent or group study. It was a wonderful sight to see the farmers together with the members of the yeshiva, all in the world of Torah.33 A�er the evacua�on, the yeshiva moved to Yad Binyamin, along with its other ins�tu�ons (Talmud Torah, Tohar), and even expanded its ac�vi�es out of a desire to develop and radiate the light of Torah on the new environment. 'Midreshet Tohar' - a�er its establishment, the 'Torat Ha'im' yeshiva also established a school for girls, which combined academic studies in foreign ins�tu�ons and Torah enrichment on site, under the �tle - "Degree with Purity." The girl's school was a fer�le ground for matchmaking with the yeshiva students. Otzem - pre-military training school 'Otzem' was established in 2012, in Atzmona, by Rabbi Rafi Peretz, with 25 students in the first cohort. The purpose of the preparatory school was to train Religious-Zionism students for a long and significant military service. The decision to establish the seminary was made by Rabbi Peretz during his service as an ac�ve pilot, when he became aware of the many difficul�es facing religious soldiers in the IDF. The preparatory school strived to build an all-Israeli personality within its students, which draws its values from the faith of Israel and its Torah. Studies and all other ac�vi�es carried out there included religious prepara�on for the IDF in par�cular and the becoming an ac�vist Israeli