4 1 2 3 130 Chapter Eight | Security Local Emergency Teams With the increased a�acks a�er Rosh Hashanah 5761, locali�es found themselves helpless and without control, especially when they were completely dependent on outside aid. The council decided to help each locality on a point-by-point basis, and in the case of a besieged se�lement, the community helped itself, at least in the first stage. Local Emergency Teams (Acronym in Hebrew: Tzachi) - operated the se�lement during emergencies. The Council's Welfare Department established these Tzachi teams. Eight sub-teams operated within the all-voluntary framework of Tzachi. Each volunteer was given a role that suited them. The main idea was to recruit as many people as possible, and give each person some role, even a small one. Sta�s�cs have shown that the risk of entering post-trauma�c situa�ons is reduced when a person has a role that gives him meaning. This was also important for the residents because they knew there was one body that holds all informa�on in all areas: educa�on, welfare, medicine and more. There were also alert squads in Gush Ka�f. Nearly 300 people volunteered for them in all se�lements combined. These were teenagers with values and awareness. In the Kissufim corridor the council regularly placed a fire engine and an ambulance on standby, and their job was to sit there on standby, take care of cleaning, training, and maintaining the equipment. Their young age was not issue to their contribu�on. They all felt like everyone's fathers, brothers and children, so the Security Department could not differen�ate the contribu�on of a teenager from that of a 25-year-old. 40 The youngsters' contribu�on to the ac�vity was great: Hodaya Gantz from Ka�f started volunteering when she was 14 years old. At the age of 18, she was already a senior medic. At the age of 19, she became the coordinator and built the medical system. Elia Vanounou from Neve Dekalim rescued wounded people under fire in Morag when he was just 17 years old. Dan Shunam Halevi volunteered in the Security Department since he was 13 years old. When terrorists blew up the Termite outpost in Gaza, one of the youngsters, an 18-year-old volunteer, put out the fire. 1 Council's firefighters and first responders in ac�on 2 Gush Ka�f girls help the security department 3 Volunteer youth firefigh�ng and rescue prac�ce 4 A large shard penetrated the Gross family library in Neve Dekalim Only God is in control of the situa�on Within the framework of the local alert squads, I established an informa�on system based on text messages and a manned call center. The idea was to show a tolerant a�tude, to calm people down. As the events progressed, intensity increased. I announced every mortar shell on the announcement system, and my voice became the warning and calming voice of Neve Dekalim. The first �me I announced that it was necessary to enter the shelters, I trembled. At some point you get into the rou�ne of the Qassam rockets. You understand that you have no control over the situa�on, everything is with God. This is how you learn to live with God by your side. Lean on him at all �mes. Rabbi Kobi Bornstein