1 2 3 114 Chapter Seven | Educa�on and Culture The community center organized many big events, including: Independence Night extravaganzas, celebrated by many un�l the wee hours of the morning, Independence Days with mul�ple ac�vi�es, colorful and happy Purim events, Second Laps of Simchat Torah for all ages and the "Yulis" basketball tournament. But the pièce de résistance of cultural ac�vity at the community center was the 'Harvest Fes�val' - a one-of-a-kind singing celebra�on held Tu B'Av on the banks of the lake in the tourist area of Gush Ka�cf - an event a�ended by thousands of people every year, for 18 years. It all began from an idea brought forth by Zvi Hendel, who founded the resort area, and thought it would be a good idea start an event in order to bring people over. In the first two years (1986-1988) the fes�val included Israeli songs with the best Israeli singers. In the third year, the organizers in the educa�on department and community center decided to switch to Hasidic singers, which suited the popula�on in the area and also set the place apart. The great Hasidic singers from Israel and the world accepted the invita�ons and took a significant part in the fes�val. Thus, the event became a focus of tourism and joy, which showed the beau�ful side of the area. Over the years, its centrality diminished because other Hasidic style fes�vals popped up in other places as well. Moreover, pressure was exerted by people and rabbis in Gush Ka�f to refrain from bringing female singers so as not to violate the religious ban on females singing in public. Of course, they encountered local opposi�on, and things did not always follow suit with the organizers' wishes. S�ll, eventually, everyone came to an understanding, and thousands of people con�nued flocking to the fes�vals for ideological reasons as well, not only for ar�s�c reasons, un�l the moment of the disengagement.39 The community center was a place where one could keep their sanity, especially in the last months in Gush Ka�f. It was ac�ve and full of life un�l the very last moment. 1 The community center orchestra performs in the young talent contest- 'A Star is Born' 2 The actors of the play 'Saleh Shabba�' on the stage of Ka�f community center 3 Teenagers spend �me at the community center