1 2 3 102 Chapter Six | Agriculture In the first year we produced five tons, and in the last year I produced 20 tons of organic produce. It was a blessed feeling that came from trial and error."61 Tova Bar Shalom from Ganei Tal le� teaching in favor of agriculture, and described the work like this: I cul�vated everything with love, and I saw a great blessing in my work. The en�re family helped me at home because I spent many hours in the farm. Working in the greenhouses connected me to God all the �me. The great gi� I received there is faith, and at the peak of faith was Shabbat, because you trust only in God... I invested everything, and even developed methods for reduced consump�on of pes�cides. I built a rela�onship of respect and apprecia�on with our Arab workers, and they shared their problems because they saw me as a mother figure. Even a�er the disengagement, we kept in touch, and our chief worker told me we did not know how to govern.62 The measure of success Success was also not measured by the standard indices of money or property but by maintaining simplicity, fulfilling the mission, and observing the Torah. The indicators of success in Gush Ka�f were: if your son came to live near you, if the second genera�on con�nues the way of perceiving agricultural work as Torah life, seeing others at eye level and living in peace with one's neighbors, if you enlarged the farm by a few more acres of sand, and if your produce meets quality standards.63 1 Nursery in Ka�f 2 Michael Goldschmidt from Ganei Tal at the Amaryllis Greenhouse 3 Children eat le�uce in Kfar Darom